Category Personal Development

It’s Break Time!

Hey entrepreneurs!

Feeling overwhelmed with your tasks? Does it seem like nothing’s going right? Are you stuck in a cycle of non-stop work?

As a rising business owner, there’s no denying that you’re used to being a one-man team. And even as your team grows, you still find yourself multi-tasking things such as managing day-to-day operations to strategizing what is next for your business. 

But, with everything going on, you might forget an important element of productivity and efficiency. Take a break! And we don’t mean just for you, but also for your team.

In an article by Business News Daily, a 2014 Staples study revealed that over 85% of employees believed regular breaks during the day would enhance their productivity. And 59% of those surveyed said more breaks would improve their work happiness, 43% felt it would boost their happiness, and 37% believed regular breaks would benefit their health. These findings highlight the multifaceted advantages of taking breaks in the workplace.

Away from the Desk and into Productivity

  1. Scheduled Breaks: Encourage your team to take short, regular breaks throughout the day. This can be as simple as a 5-minute walk or a brief stretching session.
  1. Break-friendly Environment: Create a space in your office where employees can relax and unwind. Whether it’s a lounge area with comfortable seating or a small garden space, having a physical space dedicated to breaks can be very effective.
  1. Lead by Example: As a leader, your team looks up to you. By taking regular breaks yourself, you set a positive example for your team. This is also a great way to have a little bonding time or getting-to-know sessions with your team.

Embracing regular breaks in the workplace is not just nice to have, it’s important for fostering a healthy, productive, and creative work environment. Breaks can even be multi-functional to your team. It refreshes their minds, and their morale, and boosts their happiness at work.

Remember, productivity isn’t about the hours put in, but the output that your team has produced or done. So, encourage your team to take those breaks; it’s an investment in their well-being and the company’s success.

Your Partner in Business and Breaks

We’re T. Williams & Associates, a virtual accounting firm. We understand the pressures of running a small business. That’s why we encourage you to take a break, not just from work, but from the stress of managing your financials.

Our services cover day-to-day transactions, bookkeeping, and accounting solutions, giving you more time to focus on what matters most – growing your business and taking care of yourself and your team.

We’re offering a free 30-minute consultation. Let us handle your financials while you enjoy a well-deserved break!

Maintaning a Strong Work-Life Balance

As a rising entrepreneur, chasing your passion can’t be contained in a 9-5 office job. You’re a business owner 24/7. You’re the leader of a team and a provider for your family. But have you ever felt like you’ve been struggling to juggle life and work lately?      

At T. Williams & Associates, we relate to the adversaries that come with finally pursuing your dreams in business or career. It’s commonly known that you will most likely sacrifice one or two important things in your life whether you choose yourself, your family, or your career, but we’re here to change that. Because you can keep up with the priorities and responsibilities in your life smoothly.

What is a good Work-Life Balance?

This means you’re giving the right amount of time at your job and with life outside of work. Such as your family, friends, hobbies, or just plain “me” time. You’re not too stressed at work and you feel like you have a handle on all the aspects of your life. It’s like making sure you don’t let work take over all your time, so you also have time for yourself and the people you care about.

This balance helps you stay happy and healthy. When you have time for both work and fun, you feel accomplished and less stressed. 

  1. Draw the line in your life and work

Setting clear boundaries in your work and personal life is essential because once these things merge and blend, it would be hard to relax at home when you start bringing work with you. When it comes to answering work emails or calls make sure that it is within your official work hours. 

This keeps your work from spilling into your personal life, ensuring a distinct separation between your professional responsibilities and personal time.

  1. Make your Health a Priority

Remembering to maintain your health is another way of helping you keep your life balanced. By keeping it as your to-do in your routine, you’re creating a habit that will eventually be easier to do as each day goes by. This can be a simple 30-minute morning workout, walking to work, choosing healthier meals, and even choosing to take the stairs. 

This is important because maintaining good physical and mental health enhances your energy and focus, making you more effective in your work duties and more present and engaged in your personal life. And the more effective and efficient you are, the less the need to work overtime.

  1. Take a Breather

It’s never a bad idea to take a break once in a while, especially when things become overwhelming. Taking regular breaks, like a 15-minute rest in the morning or afternoon, plus a lunch break away from your desk, is a crucial part of your day. These breaks help clear your mind, lessen stress, and keep you from burnout. 

This practice keeps you productive and mentally sharp throughout your workday because you’re already in a better mood and clearer mindset. This is also a great way to bond with your team and co-workers.

  1. Schedule “Me” Time

Treat yourself. Looking after your own mental health and self-care should be a priority in your life. You deserve it, and more than that, it’s a chance for you to relax and even reflect. This could be picking up a new hobby you’ve always wanted to try, playing an instrument, treating yourself to a spa day, or even traveling on your own. All of these things are fantastic ways to take care of yourself.

  1. Book a Time with Your Close Ones

By setting aside time to spend with your family and friends, you can help maintain your family and friends relationship. This could be doing something special like having dinner together every week, going on a vacation a few times a year, watching a movie once a month, or just talking on the phone for a little while every day. 

These are meetings you wouldn’t want to miss. This helps you make sure you’re spending enough time with the people you care about, even when you’re busy with work. Because these are the people you’ll be relaxing with at home and outside of the office. They are also your safe space, so nurture the relationship with bonding time. 

Let’s Talk!

We’re T. Williams & Associates and we want you to reach success not just in business but in life. With our tips and our assistance, we can take care of your daily financial tasks so you can focus on running your business and keeping your life balanced. Take our free 30-minute consultation and we’ll learn about you and your business to see how we can help you best.

4 Moves You Can Make for More Success
4 Moves You Can Make for More Success

Are you looking for ways to grow your business or personal influence? Many professionals will create a 10-point check list that guarantees quick success. Once starting the list, it is unlikely you will have to time to complete all the points. In this blog, you will receive 4 ways to become more successful that you can integrate into your life without disrupting your entire schedule.

Get a Masters in Free University
Whether it be on Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram, or maybe even email, you have most likely received a notification about an informational webinar session. With your busy schedule and list of to-dos, the idea of listening to someone talking may seem like a sacrifice of time you don’t have to give away.

However, there are many benefits to attending informational sessions for your industry, interests, and overall informationals about issues you may need help with.

–You can learn new ways to become more successful in your industry

–Attending webinars provide you with networking opportunities

–They can provide you with exclusive information

Talk to Influencers
If you wanted to learn how to play an instrument, you can pick up a trumpet and learn from trial and error. This is a method some pursue; however, you may learn incorrectly, or the process may take longer.

The same applies to small business owners. If you see someone where you aspire to be, don’t be afraid to reach out to those individuals. An email or LinkedIn message may lead to an opportunity to learn from their mistakes, successes, or you may simply gain a useful contact. Reach out and connect with people who are doing what you want to do in life.

Stay up to Date in Your Industry
When first entering the workforce or starting your own business, it was essential to be aware of the current climate of your industry. In order to impress the hiring manager or new customer, it was essential to know what events, people, or new developments were occurring around you. After many years, it may not seem as important to research who, or what, is changing around you. There is already an established workplace or steady stream of customers.

Ask yourself when the last time you read an article, watched a special, or used another outlet to challenge the way you worked. Be aware of your competition, industry leaders, and new technology. By staying up to date, you will see an increase in ideas and opportunities that can lead to success.

Become Creative with your Yes
The phrase, “thinking outside of the box” has commonly been used to inspire creativity.  Inadvertently, this may foster a non-productive thought process. Instead of focusing on the limitations, consider the possibilities when thinking of creative solutions, goals, and other ways to grow.

Write down a list of things to say yes to that you may have put off, not considered, or decided was not possible. Look at the list of things you will say yes to and follow through on. Success is based on the ability to see a challenge and take the risk.

As you are writing this list, you may realize you never said no to any of your goals, but not completing a task is the same as saying no. Starting today, challenge yourself to stop saying no.

Defining small goals is a great way to integrate these ideas into your week. We hope these four suggestions got you thinking about your next steps. What’s one habit you’d like to create?